Regardless, I love this time of the year. I love fall. For me, part of the "fresh start" comes from the fact that for the past five years, I've moved into a new home each year. My roomie and I just moved this past weekend and are now in the heart of Hyde Park. Almost everything is out of boxes, but I feel like I'm in a weird limbo of "this doesn't feel like a home, just a very cool place I happen to wake up in every day". In a way, it's kind of a good thing because it means I feel recharged even though I'm exhausted and that I feel brave enough (and not content enough) to push myself, if that all makes sense.

And of course, from new beginnings come new opportunities. What does that mean for yours truly and DGAJ? I recently had an interview with CheapTweet that is now posted on their website, and since then, I've had a little bit more foot traffic for my Etsy shop. Also, I have two shows coming up in September, one at Elysium (see poster to the left) on the 3rd (8pm-12am) for a night of fancy and frolic and the We Make Stuff Event at The Scoot Inn (7pm-12am) on the 19th. I'm excited to do both and see what it's like selling downtown at night at the music venues. I went to a similar event at Beauty Bar for the Aull Austin All Handmade Bash on the 31st, and it was a really great time. The atmosphere was awesome, and everyone there was having fun. Hope it will be the same for my upcoming shows! There's a few other shows that I'm contemplating participating in, but like always, it's a matter of time, energy, and money. I'll post any updates that come along. On a non-jewelry, music-related note, I'm going to push myself to practice for a few hours right after I get out of work each day during the week. This might mean I have to pack a few doubleshots to keep myself from falling asleep in a practice room when I'm trying to get a solid three hours in or something like that. I'll let y'all know how that goes as well. ;) I might also be investing in Pro Tools soon as I still have unused graduation money. Hopefully, learning it won't be too bad, though I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up a copy of the Dummy's Guide to Pro Tools.

On a semi-related note, I'm scratching my head for ideas for more SWAJ segments. The back to school happenings have inspired me to do a geeky chic theme (and to post a geeky chic pic of moi). Not sure just yet what that will encompass, but I can promise that it will be fun. After that? Maybe a Best Bags post. I feel I find so many amazing bags on Etsy and am just blown away by the innovation and craftsmanship that some of them show. Definitely something worth showing off on the ole blog.
In the meantime, Happy Friday to all! Yours truly may have to indulge the Smiths/Morrissey kick from earlier this week and go to Elysium tonight for their Smiths night. Ah! I'm in love.
Action Jackson out.
1 comment:
I will say we do wake up in a really cool place...Perhaps hurricanes and pool furniture will make it feel more like home ;)
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