Okay, so admittedly some of this will be old news for some of you. However, almost immediately after I made my last post, a wave of inspiration hit me like a speeding semi. I swear, I fell over and everything. Anyway, a few Etsy supply searches, sketches, and aha moments later/after that, I had a clear idea of what I needed to do. Overall, the aesthetic will be very light/feathery and ethereal mixed with a few strong art deco-y pieces. The color palette will still be whites, off whites, and various pastels. For the art deco pieces, I'll make these! I did a few spiral shapes and descending tier drawings that I think will look stellar as earrings and necklaces, re

This week, I'll be focusing on a mini-overhaul of my Etsy shop as well as trying out a few new things to make my blog and shop more fun and interactive for anyone who keeps up with my jewelry. I've been told people read my blog, but it's one of those things that I'm never really sure of. Anyhow, I think I'll start working on the line and ordering supplies once I see the bad news of this month's credit card bill. I'd hate to spend money that I only think I have. Money aside, I'm happy to say I feel like I really milked that spurt of inspiration I had last week. I'm already thinking about a new mini "line" (I can never get used to calling it that, honestly) to do after I wrap this one up. It will be a little more true to fall fashion in style and colors. The solid ideas definitely aren't there yet,

I'm thinking this new line will consist of bold fuschias, cobalt blues, and chartreuse hues and will be inspired by a very glamorous night life that yours truly definitely doesn't have. Stylistically, it'll be poppy (but in good DGAJ taste) and will include lots of spheres, lucite pendants, and the like. I promise it won't be anything too obnoxious, by my standards at least. I've already got a playlist going to be paired with it- I mean, if you're going to have a night life theme, you've got to have music, right? I am my father's daughter (for anyone who doesn't know my dad, he loves all things super-themey even if it's way too much).
The good fortune Friday, I'm happy to say, also bled over into the music sector of the AJ realm. Definitely always a good thing. I've been editing old songs I wrote, adding on to newer songs, experimenting with sounds a little more, etc, etc. I also twisted Claire's (awesome friend from high school, she was in band with me) arm to lay down some drum tracks for me (Thanks, Claire!). Now if I could just get that process to go a little faster, *says in a Lumberg voice* that would be greeeeat.
Action Jackson out!
1 comment:
Hey girl!
Blog & etsy shop look great! Looks like you're doing really well. I'm hoping to open my own little shop in the next several weeks too (after we move in and get our stuff out of storage- we're living in a hotel right now). Don't worry- I won't be a competitor- I'm just gonna be selling my paintings :). Just wanted you to know I've been following you & you helped inspire me to try and sell my own stuff too. :) I've got the blog going, but not the shop just yet. Hopefully soon!
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