But that is not what I'm here to talk about! First, a quick recap of AFW in the Diamonds and Guns world. The Sparkles and Sweets Soiree was truly a success in my eyes. It was a packed house from start to finish with great friends and lots of new faces, the DJ's lived up to being great muses all night, and I got to meet some really fantastic people. I owe so much to the gals of Urban Betty Salon and all the work they put into getting the word out about the party, organizing the raffles and swag bags that were provided, and assuring that we'd have plenty of cupcakes and pink cocktails. To give you an idea of how awesome they were about that, I still have leftover cupcakes from the supply I brought for the partay (see my proud cupcakes above!).

As for the AFW Awards, I'm sad to say that there were no golden boots handed out to DGAJ or Urban Betty Salon, however, the always lovely and super sweet Kim of Broken Ear Productions (fellow Etsy Austinite too!) went home with the Rising Star golden boot award. If you see her, be sure to congratulate her; she worked very hard leading up to the week! The awards show was fun, though I could have done without the prep problems my boyfriend and I had with wardrobe malfunctions and the like. Ladies, I know you hear me when I say that last minute uncooperative catching zippers on the ONLY dress you planned to wear for an evening is no laughing matter. Highlights of the AFWA were definitely the performances by Ume (Sonic Youth crossed with Pretty Girls Make Graves) and the Octopus Project (they had a theramin (sp?) onstage!), the UT students' fashion shows, and seeing Kim win the Rising Star award! I'm a little sad I missed out on the after party, but when you work and 8-5er, sleep is not something to be messed with! Anyway, I've rambled on long enough, so I'll save my energy for the next post.
Action Jackson out!
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