Happy Friday Everyone!
I'm in an especially great mood today-and not just because it's Friday...and not just because I'm going to see Exene Cervenka (X) at Emo's tonight, hitting up Le Garage Sale tomorrow, and fleshing out some of my music with talented seasoned musicians on Sunday...Okay, maybe all of that has something to do with it. However, I'm especially excited because it's one day closer to Valentine's Day, which means a second installment of Valentine's Day features!
Today's featured Etsy designer is another one of Etsy Austin's very own, April Wright of April Wright Design. Shown above are her Amber Glitterheart Earrings, which I love love love (she has an equally cute pair in pink too!). Being the inherent magpie that I am, I was drawn to these the first time I spotted them in her shop. The other great thing (besides the super affordable price) about these earrings is that it looks like the hearts are set in laser cut acrylic. Don't be fooled though! April does all the hard work herself of getting shrink plastic to come out to just the right clean shape for these fab pieces. If you aren't as drawn to glitter as yours truly, don't worry- April's got everything from kitschy animal pendants to cute anchor silhouettes to art deco. Enjoy!
The featured recipe for today is sherbert punch, a treat that I usually made/make for my parties. The punch itself is pretty simple. You can use any sherbert you desire, but for Valentine's Day, I think it would be most fitting to use raspberry or strawberry. Use 1/2 gallon of sherbert, 1/2 liter of ginger ale, and 1/2 liter of lemon-lime soda. Then voila! You've got your punch. Stir occasionally and don't let it sit for too long. You want the sherbert to melt a little without homogeneously dissipating into the fizzy soda mix.
Finally, the event o the day is another class happening, which is going on at Sugar Mama's Bakeshop in South Austin. The class is a short but sweet (ha ha) 2 hour session from 7-9pm on February 8th on how to churn out some beautiful sugar cookies for Valentine's Day. Just to sweeten the deal, the shop is offering a discount if you bring a friend. If you're like me, making serious looking (serious = pretty) cookies is no laughing matter...because my iced wonders sometimes look like a five year-old made them. So, check out the class if you are free, and be sure to send me your creations for taste testing purposes. :)
Be back tomorrow with more sweets to share.
Action Jackson out.
Currently Listening: X (various albums)